Want to contribute to world peace?
Here’s a way you can build a human connection to Afghanistan on March 20. I’ve participated in this call before, and highly recommend it ….
Dear friends,
‘An Afghan boy can’t wait to speak with Elisa, and you!’
‘ Elisa ( email-friend from the USA ), I want to drink tea with you. I cannot wait to speak with you!’ 15 year old Abdulai
I cannot wait to speak with you!
Global Day of Listening
to ‘live without wars’
20th March Afghanistan
Arrange to speak with all by writing to globaldayoflistening@gmail.com
The human-face story
2 years ago, 14 year old American girl Elisa and 13 year old Afghan boy Abdulai began their email friendship after Elisa saw a You Tube video of Abdulai describing his wish in life, to find love and truth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_IVOgXAGL0 . Elisa wrote that ‘on our news channels they never show any of Afghanistan’s children speaking. This is the first time I have heard voices of the Afghan people and seen the beauty of Afghanistan’.
Their friendship grew sporadically over the past 2 years as Abdulai sought to find peace in war and Elisa sought to do well in school, all the while hoping that one day, they’ll be able to drink tea together.
Come 20th of March 2011, on the Global Day of Listening, Elisa will speak via Skype to Abdulai for the first time. Abdulai can’t wait.
Please join them!
Hakim, Abdulai and the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers
If you participate, I hope you’ll share your experience on my facebook page …