Two responses …
Last weekend I was in Victoria, BC, working with master musician, songwriter, and storyteller Steve Bell. Here’s a wonderful story about Steve from Al, a participant in the conference …
Another participant, Chris, offers this insightful response to the conference:
As I think about the weekend with Brian McLaren, I am struck by a problem common to many presentations given by visiting experts who fly in from another context and present their insights relating to church or almost any area of human endeavour – it is easier to deconstruct than to construct, to criticize than to create.
He then adds …
It is the job of those of us who do live here and who find ourselves encouraged by the general direction of Brian’s vision to seek the guidance of God’s Spirit in finding out how we are called to embody this vision in our own time and place.
He then follows up with some tremendous questions … exactly the kinds of questions I would hope people would grapple with after being together.