The Big Questions That Are Already In Their Hearts
I just read A New Kind of Christianity, and I am so grateful for this book for both myself and my students. I’m going to use it in classes in the coming year to help students understand some of the shifts we are facing, and to help them overcome their fear of asking the big questions that are already in their hearts.
You are helping me to have courage in my own journey as a teacher, scholar, preacher, and instigator of Christian communities. While I do not have as high a profile as you, I am increasingly subjected to the kinds of accusations and suspicions you face daily regarding heresy, heterodoxy, etc. At the same time, I am increasingly alive and fruitful. …Thanks for all that you are doing to help blaze the trails for those who are coming after us.
Over recent days in Hong Kong and Cambodia, meeting with large numbers of both Asian and expatriate Christian leaders, I feel more than ever that many, many people really do have these questions “already in their hearts,” but they feel alot of fear about bringing them into the open. As this writer says, it takes courage to break the sound barrier, but as we do, we feel “increasingly alive and fruitful.”