Starting Today – an educational extravaganza, for free!

I’m absolutely amazed at the lineup of people my colleague Michael Dowd pulled together for interviews over the last couple years. Now he’s making them available for free, starting today!
If you want to learn about climate and sustainability-oriented issues, please take advantage of “The Future Is Calling Us to Greatness”. The 55 pre-recorded Skype interviews that make up this series can all be freely accessed for two weeks, beginning January 26, or you can purchase the entire set of 55 audios, videos, and transcripts for $25. (Scholarships are available for those anywhere in the world for whom even this is a hardship.)
Participants include James Hansen, Bill McKibben, Paul Hawken, Paul Gilding, Larry Rasmussen, Richard Heinberg, U. S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Joe Romm, James Howard Kunstler, Philip Clayton, Joel Primack and Nancy Ellen Abrams, Ken Wilber, Michael Lerner, Matthew Fox, and dozens more … including yours truly.
Sign up here to receive the daily schedule and access all the audios, videos, and transcripts. Tools to help spread the word via email, Facebook, Twitter, or blog posts can be found here.
Thanks for sharing this inspiring vision of love-in-action for our children and grandchildren.