Speaking God’s First Language …

This little guy is learning to speak the original language of creation I blogged about the other day …

Which reminds me of an event some good friends are putting together in a few weeks –
ENVISION 2011, a faith gathering on “Caring for the Community of Creation,” will be held in New York City between June 16-18th at the The Interchurch Center (475 Riverside Drive) in New York City. ENVISION 2011 will help participants become “bridge builders” among Christian communities and academic disciplines for the sake of the good creation. Scientists, activists, theologians, and church leaders will sit at common tables to discuss how they can better protect the environment and work for environmental justice. Randy Woodley (George Fox University), Dale Irvin (New York Theological Seminary), Ben Lowe, (Young Adult Ministries for the Evangelical Environmental Network), Elizabeth Yeampierre (UPROSE), and Gary Dorrien (Union Theological Seminary) among others, will be participating. This gathering is modeling the kind of faith activism that we need to see more of – to both heal the Christian community and God’s Creation. If you are interested in deepening your understanding of the God-creation connection and addressing the environmental crisis, be sure to register today at www.nyts.edu/envision and the facebook page http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=205562486133009. For further questions email Janet Martin at janethtmartin@gmail.com