Some upcoming events …

Lots of good things happening in the next few months –
1. Emergent Village is promoting four important events this fall …
* 2008-10-22 The 2008 Emergent Theological Conversation: Reclaiming Paul
* 2008-11-06 Worship in a Postmodern Accent
* 2008-11-08 Emergent Mid-Atlantic Conference
* 2008-12-05 The Great Emergence National Event
You can get information at
2. Pete Rollins (author of How (Not) to Speak of God and The Fidelity of Betrayal) has recently announced that he is planning a US speaking tour in January-February 2009 entitled “Lessons in Evandalism.” This tour offers a unique opportunity to hear about Pete’s latest thinking as he travels around the East Coast offering a cocktail of sermons, seminars, story-telling, facilitated discussions and workshops (in advance of two new books). He will be starting at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan on the 27th January 2009 and will finish up in New York City on the 20th February 2009. The tour aims to incorporate a diverse mix of universities, seminaries, street corners, churches, coffee shops and conferences. If you would be open, able and interested in inviting Pete to visit with you then contact Alyson McElroy Jones ( for more details.
3. You can access a schedule of my events here