Readers interested in Social Justice

Readers of my books – especially Everything Must Change – will care about the two issues that are the focus of this grant. A great opportunity!

The Nathan Cummings Foundation Fellowship provides three individuals with $100,000 each to pursue a social or economic justice objective over one year. Candidates for the NCF Fellowship must demonstrate exceptional vision and propose a project that relates to the Foundation’s two focus areas:
· Inequality
· Climate Change
And the methodology for their project must be rooted in at least one of the Foundation’s Approaches:
· Arts and Culture
· Constituency Building
· Disruptive Ideas
· Religious Traditions and Contemplative Practices
Preference will be given to projects that address NCF’s DNA commitments.
Fellows’ projects will be expected to push NCF beyond its boundaries and open productive new lines of inquiry; ask provocative questions; challenge conventional wisdom; and develop new ideas, approaches, and strategies. For more information, please visit:
Please submit an application by Monday, March 10, 2014.
The Nathan Cummings Foundation (NCF) is rooted in Jewish tradition and committed to democratic values and social justice, including fairness, diversity, and community. We seek to build a socially and economically just society that values nature and protects the ecological balance for future generations; promotes humane health care; and fosters arts and culture that enriches communities.
Background information on the Nathan Cummings Foundation Fellowship:
The Foundation owes its existence and inspiration to Nathan Cummings. Nathan Cummings was born in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, in 1896. He moved from impoverished beginnings to great success by hard work, entrepreneurial genius, and a willingness to take risks. Mr. Cummings inherited a spirit of sharing and a sense of community from his immigrant parents and transmitted these values to his children and grandchildren, who now contribute their time and energy to the Foundation.