Q & R: Your 4+ stages and Fowler’s 6+

Here’s the Q:
I’ve been fascinated with your four stages of faith in Naked Spirituality. Have you ever correlated them with Fowler’s stages?
Here’s the R:
Yes. When I developed my schema, I surveyed all the schema I could find, from Fowler to William Blake to Kierkegaard to Perry (my favorite) to Graves to Wilber to Piaget, etc. Here’s a rough approximation:
My Stage 0 (SECURITY) corresponds to Fowler’s Stage 0 which he calls “Primal/Undifferentiated,” which I also call Foundational.
My Stage 1 (SIMPLICITY) corresponds to Fowler’s Stage 1 (Intuitive/Projective/Imitative) and Stage 2 (Mythic/Literal/Affiliative).
My Stage 2 (COMPLEXITY) corresponds to Fowler’s Stage 3 (Synthetic/Conventional/Personal) and early Stage 4 (Individuative/Reflective).
My Stage 3 (PERPLEXITY) corresponds to Fowler’s late-Stage 4 and early Stage 5 (Conjunctive/Harmonizing)
My Stage 4 (HARMONY) corresponds to Fowler’s late Stage 5 and Stage 6 (Universalizing).
A friend recently told me how much he hates stages like these. I suggested that their best use is to help us not be judgmental of others for not being where we are … and understand where they are and why. They’ve been very helpful to me in this way.