Q & R: Talking about sexuality

Here’s the Q:

Thanks also for your great blog posts and your wisdom – I’ve been just loving all of the topics. I have really appreciated your thoughts on Christmas too. I also am really anticipating your next book, looks awesome!!
I have a question, that I don’t know if you can shed some insight or point me to something to help me with this. I am going to be teaching a 1 day morning class at a nearby Bible college. Anyways, the class is going to be on sexuality. I liked in your book how you mentioned the tension and difficult task our young people have of navigating our society as they try to walk with God in their sexuality. You didn’t say a ton about it there, but I’m wondering if you’ve done some thinking on how to talk to young adults about this, or resources you’ve seen that you would recommend. I really value your opinion and thoughts.

Here’s the R:

Thanks so much for this question. You asked about resources. First, I’d encourage you to read Sex and the Soul. It’s about the struggle among college students to integrate their sexuality and their spirituality. Lauren Winner’s book Real Sex would also be helpful, as would Miguel de la Torres A Lily Among the Thorns.
It won’t be out in time, but I just read the manuscript for Unprotected Texts. It will be an important book for anyone dealing with sexuality in light of the Bible.
As for how to approach the subject, my only advice would be to acknowledge in advance how hard it is for students – or anyone, really – to find safe places to talk deeply about sexuality. I don’t know if it’s realistic for this class to be one of those safe places, but perhaps you can at least encourage the students to create and seek safe places. If I had one session with students on the subject, I’d talk about what sex can mean … on many levels, from destructive to creative, from harmful to healing, from criminal to holy.
Finally, I’d be sure to have contact information for some off-campus counselors who would be safe people for students to contact for additional confidential help. Perhaps you’d be willing to be available for follow-up. I wish I could offer more, but I hope that’s a start. Thanks for making yourself available to students to address this important subject.