Q & R: Subversive Liturgy?
Here’s the Q:
The Woman’s Book group that I help facilitate is currently reading Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road? We are loving it and the many challenges it presents to us. We are discovering that the other that we seem to struggle with the most, is often our fellow Christians! Wow!
Anyway, we just finished reading Chapter 19, “How the Christian Year Can Become More Christian” – the enthusiasm in the room to embrace this sort of liturgy was very, very high (especially getting rid of the “banality of geese a-laying, etc…). So, when is your book coming out on Subversive Liturgy? We can’t wait to start our own “creative disturbance” within our congregation! Hoping to hear from you!
Here’s the R:
That’s the project I’m working on right now. I’ll be writing until September, and then the book will go into editing and production phases for release (I think) in June 2014. We’re targeting June because we think a lot of folks will want to begin using it in September 2014, December 2014, or January 2015 – for either the school, church, or calendar year. The book will be 52+ short sermons, one for each week, with a simple liturgy, lectionary, and set of queries for group engagement. It’s coming together and I’m getting more enthusiastic about it each week that passes. I’m about to get a few hours of writing in today …
PS – I’m not 100% sure of the title yet. It may be simply, “Catechesis,” or it may be “To Be Alive.” Or …