Q & R: Resources for Kids

Here’s the Q:

Hello Brian,
I’m big fan of your work. I really do credit you (and the rest of the Emergent gang) for jump starting my dying faith.
My question is this: Have you (or are you) planning to create any resources for children? If not, can you recommend any? I am a new Dad and I greatly anticipate teaching my son about Jesus and the Commonwealth of God. Having some helpful teaching/learning materials would be nice.

Here’s the R:
I’m so glad for this question. I recently participated in Children, Youth, and a New Kind of Christianity in Washington, DC. (There are some photos and reports here – more to come: http://children-youth.com/)
One of the reasons I was looking forward to the event was to meet publishers of children’s and youth materials that would be sensitive to the issues of “a new kind of Christianity” – issues like dealing with the Bible’s violent passages, reinforcing a nonviolent image of God, promoting a holistic gospel and integral mission.
Here are some of the publishers who were present at the event:
seasons of the spirit
A Joyful Path from progressivechristianity.org
Family Round the Table from thelogosministry.org
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
My sense was that this gathering furthered the conversation among all these publishers – and I hope that the conversation will continue and expand in the years ahead. I may have some kids-and-youth focused contributions to make at some point … but in the meantime, I’ll be paying attention to the good work of the publishers and groups above, and others like them. There are wise and gifted people working in this important area of ministry and mission … so I am very hopeful!
(BTW – my upcoming book on Christian identity will address some of the key issues that we must address with Christian identity formation in kids and youth …)