Q & R: Girardian Lectionary

Here’s the Q:

I just listened to a podcast from Homebrewed Christianity where you dialogued with James Alison. You mentioned a Girard Lectionary. I’ve looked all over and can’t seem to find it. May I please have the title, author, etc. so I can get a copy?
Thanks for this and for all you do.

Here’s the R:
Ah, I think you got the impression that it was a book, but actually, it’s a website that contains information that would fill dozens of books if not hundreds. You’ll find it here:
It’s the work of a brilliant and generous Lutheran pastor, Paul Nuechterlein. I think the world of Paul, and was so happy to read these words from him about my new book, We Make the Road by Walking.

“If I were to organize this website into a year’s worth of sermons presenting a comprehensive engagement with the basic Christian message, and all with the anthropology of René Girard in the background guiding the interpretation, I couldn’t hope for writing a book this good. I am delighted and extremely grateful that Brian has written this book. I pray that it becomes a classic of Christian instruction and spiritual formation.”