power of sacred
I posted a few new songs in recent days and several folks have asked for lyrics and chords. After the jump I’ll include them, along with a note about the songs I post here.
The Power of Sacred
Clenching Fist, Open Hand
Power of Sacred (Key of G)
Brian D. McLaren
Some people are marching to drumbeats of war;
We’re dancing the rhythms of love and of peace.
Some people are pulling the levers of fear;
We are singing this song in harmony.
Some people are clenching their fists;
We’re opening arms and hands.
Some people are plotting revenge;
We’re working for peace and justice.
Some people are shouting the slogans of hate;
We’re whispering rumors of hope and of trust.
Some people are programming lies and deceit;
We are playing the music of faith in the truth.
Some people are running for cover;
We’re planning a celebration.
Some people are building up walls;
We are blazing a better pathway.
We offer our bodies, our minds, and our hearts
Like the sticks on a drum or the strings on a guitar
We’re bringing our hopes and our dreams and our strength.
So God’s music can play through all that we are.
Don’t let us add to division.
Help us subtract from hatred.
Teach us to multiply friendship.
Be raised to the power of sacred …
Chords –
G – G sus4 – G – G sus4 G (X 4)
D-C, D-C, D-C, D-C
Clenching fist and open hand
Brian D. McLaren
People wonder whether God really does exist,
And if God’s way is of the open hand or clenching fist.
And while some preachers argue over doctrines and demands,
Their followers are making clenching fists of open hands.
Open up your hands.
So is religion killing us? Is it tearing us apart?
Does it open space to reconcile, or shrink the heart?
In church and mosque and synagogue, how many understand
The living God is the loving God of the open hand?
Stretch your open hands.
What we hold in mind and heart flows down through the wrist
And is expressed in open hand or in clenching fist
If we fight and fear and hate, our conflicts will persist
Until we trust the open hand more than the clenching fist
Join your open hands.
There were hands that blessed the children, touched and healed and fed
Hands that poured a cup of wine, hands that broke the bread
Hands that remained open even when the hammer fell
Hands that hold us and that open through our hands as well.
Raise your open hands.
A – D – A – E
A – D – D – E – A
E – E7 – A, E – E7 – A
NOTE: I’m very happy for you to use any of my songs in public worship. I’d love to hear recordings of your arrangements, etc. The best way to get those to me (at this point) would be by posting a link on my facebook wall, or through the info email address – info@brianmclaren.net. Let me know if it’s OK to link to them from this site. You’re also welcome to embed any of my stuff on your site. I should also add that I put together these songs on garageband, simply using the built-in mic on my mac and creating keyboard tracks using “musical typing” which means very simple arrangements. Be assured that I’m aware that the recording quality is low and the arrangements and musicianship are scratch-level. I’m also well aware of my vocal limitations. I’m just offering these because I enjoy creating them and in hopes that they’ll be useful or encouraging to a few folks somewhere.