Links roundup
I’m so enjoying my summer writing and marriage sabbatical (for both, not from both!) in Southwest Florida … deep into revisions for A New Kind of Christianity (which it looks like will be released in early February 2010 instead of March as previously announced?) and as always, struggling to catch up with a mountainous backlog of unanswered emails. Meanwhile …
Regina Spector – what a gifted singer/songwriter! – engages in some fascinating theology in this song. (Thanks, Rachel!)
The synchro-blog on sexuality yesterday apparently got a lot of attention and evoked some of the kind of red-faced fury that Regina sings about. For some good religious dialogue on sexuality, check this out from Andrew Marin at, and check this out from Jim Wallis (with Stewart and Huckabee) at And don’t miss the honest and poignant postings here.
The pre-order page for A New Kind of Christianity is now up at amazon. And here’s The Justice Project pre-order page available at amazon and Barnes and Noble.