Links Roundup

A reader asks us to help with a worthy cause …

Did you know three of your books are in an audio format specialized for the learning disabled, at I have a learning disability and utilize the resources that LearningAlly provides. I hope you’ll excuse my direct email to you, but I wanted to make a quick (and urgent) appeal. You have a widespread network … and I know you care about social justice. This is a petition for LearningAlly, the nonprofit that provides books in audio format to those who learn differently, such as the blind and dyslexic … Since I personally utilize the services this organization provides, I’m personally invested in it. But regardless of that, I still think LearningAlly is a vital resource for some of those on the margins of our society. … Much love, Mr. McLaren. Keep it up. I pray and wish peace and blessings upon you.

I’ll be with the Network of Biblical Storytellers in August. What a fantastic group! Learn more here.
If you’re a church leader looking for a good conference this summer, and other excellent resources too, the Center for Progressive Renewal has a lot to offer.
And Wild Goose – you should come in August. It’s Wild: