Lent starts soon! Here are some resources …
Lent is the period between Ash Wednesday (a day for remembering our mortality) and Easter Sunday (a day for celebrating the risen Christ) that has traditionally been used in the Christian community to focus on sin, repentance, and self-denial.
In recent years, many Christians have been re-traditioning Lent (to use Diana Butler Bass’s useful phrase) in a variety of ways.
I’ve helped create a resource for Lent, working with a wonderful team that includes my co-author of Cory and the Seventh Story, Gareth Higgins. You’ll receive a daily email and a weekly video conversation.
You can sign up for this free resource here: https://www.theseventhstory.com/a-lenten-journey/
I’ve also contributed to a Lent resource called Be Still and Go, here: https://www.trcnyc.org/lent2019/
My friends at the Plural Guild have created another worthwhile resource here:
Whether you choose one or a few – this is a great time to deepen your spiritual roots in the weeks leading up to Easter.