If you’re in the Philadelphia area this week …

Check out these POP-UP Conventions … hosted by my friends at Love-Driven Politics Collective.
Attend a Pop-Up Convention during the DNC & join a dialogue with everyday people about love & politics …
July 25–28, 2016
An invitation from the Love-Driven Politics Collective
What is the role of “love” in politics? Bitterness, anger, resentment, and cynicism have marked this election season and left everyday Americans disenchanted with the political process. How can we restore love as a public ethic to change American politics, this election year and beyond? The Love-Driven Politics Collective, in conjunction with the Slought Foundation and the School of Social Policy and Practice at the University of Pennsylvania, will host a series of pop-up conventions across Philadelphia from July 25 — July 28, 2016 in parallel to the Democratic National Convention. We are a group of scholars, activists, teachers, artists, social innovators, and faith leaders dedicated to cultivating a new political culture. Please join us as we examine how we can harness love for social and political transformation. The schedule and sites are as follows:

Monday, July 25, 6:30–8:00 pm
Colored Girls Museum
4613 Newhall St, Germantown
The Colored Girls Museum is a memoir museum, which honors the stories, experiences, and history of Colored Girls.
Tuesday, July 26 1:30–3:00 pm
Fleisher Art Memorial
719 Catherine St, S. Philadelphia
One of the country’s oldest nonprofit community art schools with a mission to make art accessible to everyone, regardless of economic means, background, or artistic experience.
Wednesday, July 27 6:30–8:00 pm
Church of the Advocate
1801 Diamond St, N. Philadelphia
The Church of the Advocate unites community residents, volunteers, churches, service providers and educational institutions in a cooperative effort of mutual support and learning to improve the life prospects and well-being of North Philadelphia residents.
Thursday, July 28 1:30–3:00 pm
Eastern State Penitentiary
2027 Fairmount Ave, Fairmount
Eastern State is considered to be the world’s first true penitentiary, today it is a National Historic Landmark and operates as a museum as a preserved ruin.
For more information: https://slought.org/resources/love_driven_politics