
A reader writes:

A copy of your book, “Finding Faith: A search for what makes sense”, has sat untouched, forgotten, and dust laden in a box, a suitcase, on a shelf, and on my bedside table for two years. Before it found its way into the digestion of my thoughts, or even graced my hands, it rested underneath a pile of used books, in a bin, at a quirky store called “Ollie’s”.
For the past two weeks it has found a home tucked between the flanges of my tired, bleak, ever-questioning, ever-searching, hopeless hands. I have masticated my way through your words of humility and wisdom with thoroughness and care; and have but to ask myself how it was so carelessly overlooked for so long.
Being a person of utmost contemplation, and having previously conversed with myself and my God on many of the subjects through which you so eloquently surge in your book, upon the completion of my ten course meal it is heavily apparent to me that I should extend to you, and to my Creator, my sincerest gratitude.
And, although I cannot recall a time where I did not have an undeniable, perhaps innate sense of God and primitive understanding of my relationship with Him, I have undoubtedly found myself on a tumultuous, rocky, tangent of a journey through faith. I have been the least of the worst and lower; and, at times, I have been a vessel for His glory. But it is my deepest hope and desire that my life’s existence might one day benefit someone in the way that yours has undoubtedly benefited mine. I appreciate and commend your approach in your writing, and as your book has found a home in my hands, so you and yours have found a home in my thoughts, prayers, and heart.
Thank you for a moment of your time and for sharing a piece of your mind with me,

Thanks for these kind words. Like you, I have often hoped and prayed that my work could somehow bless others the way I have been blessed … Thanks for this encouragement!