Friends in Florida and patrons of Publix Grocers …

Fasting is a traditional practice for Lent. But recall these words from Isaiah (58:6):
Is not this the fast I have chosen – to loosen the bonds of injustice?
That’s why the Coalition for Immokalee Workers will be launching a
Here’s the invitation from friends at CIW:

Starving for justice? Join us! The time is right. The cause is just. Fast for Fair Food with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, March 5-10 at Publix Headquarters in Lakeland. Visit the fast details page or email for times, locations, updates, and more.
Join us for a week or a day. Come when you can, leave when you must. Carpool or caravan, but please come. No one can take your place. Together we can make the world a better place for everyone—especially Florida farmworkers. Please pass this invite along.
If you’d like to fast or send words of solidarity, contact
If you’re interested in caravaning to the Saturday, March 10, culminating event, let me know. Hope to see you in Lakeland as we take a stand for Fair Food, fair pay, and workers’ rights.

If you live near a Publix, politely find the manager and let him or her know that you are one of the patrons praying for change in their policy. While McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Whole Foods, and Trader Joe’s have all agreed to support fair food policies (that include improved wages and safety for farm workers), so far Publix has refused to cooperate. We believe they are a good and moral company at heart and will eventually change their policy … and these events are planned to help them do so sooner rather than later.