For folks interested in interfaith relationships …
from Duke University
Scholarships for Christianity/Islam Seminar @ Duke
Posted: 09 Apr 2013 08:07 AM PDT
Friends, if you engage interfaith issues, we have generous scholarships for a first-ever seminar on Christianity and Islam co-taught by Ellen Davis and Abdullah Antepli at our upcoming Duke Summer Institute (May 27-June 1). Provided by grant funding, scholarships range from a $350 discount to $950 (full registration). Depending on financial need, travel and lodging assistance may also be available for this seminar. See information below, and apply at the web site.
Listening Together: Muslims and Christians Reading Scripture
With Dr. Ellen Davis and Imam Abdullah Antepli
The aim of this seminar is to help participants begin to map out their own journey through the still largely uncharted territory of Muslim-Christian religious conversation. Through the method of cross-tradition study, focusing on topics central to both traditions and using texts from Bible, Qur’an and Hadith, students will begin to learn the basic elements of another scriptural tradition, as well as gaining new insight into their own. The course will help students begin to acquire intellectual, spiritual, theological, exegetical and hermeneutical tools to engage in ministry in a pluralistic culture and in pluralistic settings (e.g., hospitals, prisons, campuses, larger communities), and to consider the theological significance of interfaith work in the twenty-first century.
Dr. Ellen F. Davis is Amos Ragan Kearns Distinguished Professor of Bible and Practical Theology at Duke University Divinity School. Her research interests focus on how biblical interpretation bears on the life of faith communities and their response to urgent public issues, including interfaith relations.
Imam Abdullah Antepli is the Muslim Chaplain and Adjunct Faculty of Islamic Studies at Duke University, and is the founder and executive board member of the Muslim Chaplains Association and a member of the National Association of College and University Chaplains.