For all who work with children and youth –

Readers of this blog know that I’ve been an enthusiastic supporter of fresh and creative efforts to design curriculum for children and youth. I was an enthusiastic participant in the May 2012 Children, Youth, and a New Kind of Christianity conference. For all who share this desire for fresh approaches to ministry with kids and youth … I have good news to report:

After the huge turnout at their conference last year, “Children, Youth, and a New Kind of Christianity” has rebranded itself as Faith Forward. My friend, Dave Csinos, and his team are busy planning a 2014 Faith Forward gathering, which will continue the movement that began at the 2012 CYNKC conference. It’s going to be May 19-22, 2014 in Nashville, TN. I’ll be there – along with Phyllis Tickle, Rabbi Sandy Sasso, Andrew Root, and many others. And I hope you’ll join us too. To learn more, like the Faith Forward facebook page (, follow them on twitter (, or check out their new website – Spread the word and let others know about this important gathering.

I was also glad to contribute to two resources that came out of last year’s CYNKC conference.

The first is a podcast series available at
The second is a book that’s going to be released in August – Faith Forward: A Dialogue on Children, Youth, and a New Kind of Christianity. Dave Csinos and Melvin Bray pulled together 21 of the best presentations from the 2012 CYNKC conference into a book that has already received rave reviews from leaders around the world and across theological traditions. More info is at

I hope you’ll be able to join us in Nashville for the 2014 Faith Forward gathering. If it was anything like last year’s CYNKC conference, then you won’t want to miss it.
Would you forward this to anyone and everyone you know who is committed to ministry among kids and youth?
Here’s the press release from Faith Forward:

New Name, New Gathering, New, Podcasts, New Book
Faith Forward (formerly Children, Youth, and a New Kind of Christianity) is excited to announce that the 2014 Faith Forward gathering will be in Nashville, TN, May 19-22, 2014. Save the date and join us for four days of creativity, innovation, and collaboration toward new approaches for nurturing faith in children and youth. Speakers include Phyllis Tickle, Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, Melvin Bray, Brian McLaren, Andrew Root, and many others.
In the meantime, take a look at the new Faith Forward website at, listen to newly-released podcasts from last year’s CYNKC conference at, and check out the book from the 2012 CYNKC conference at

BTW – here’s a beautiful video from Brandy Walker who is grappling with these issues as well.