Dave Andrews is coming!
The first time I heard Dave Andrews speak, I was deeply moved. Then I started reading his books – even more deeply moved. If you want to be exposed to this Christian thinker/activist/poet/musician/community-organizer/writer/agitator, he’ll be in the US soon (including at Wild Goose). Here are the details …
Dave Andrews will be in the US & Canada June 8-24 2012.
Dave will be meeting with groups in Vancouver, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Philadelphia,
Houston and last but not least the one and only Wild Goose Festival in North Carolina.
Los Angeles June 8-11.
If you want to connect contact John Jensen pinnedagain2001@yahoo.com
Vancouver June 11-14
If you want to connect contact Craig Greenfield craig@servantsasia.org
Minneapolis June 14-16
If you want to connect contact Lauren Morrison get_your_riot_gear@yahoo.com
Philadelphia June 16-18
If you want to connect contact Brett Anderson brett@thesimpleway.org
Houston June 19-21
If you want to connect contact Jason Porterfield jason@servantsasia.org
Wild Goose June 22-24.
If you want to connect contact Marcelle Clowes marcelle@wildgoosefestival.org
Dave will be sharing his Journey Into The Heart Of Community.
Dave will be hosting Open Conversations About Christian Community Work.
And Dave will be presenting seminars on a wide range of subjects, including:
1. From Exclusive To Inclusive Christian Community
2. Guidelines For Christlike Interfaith Community Work
3. Christ’s Own Way Of Working With Marginalised People
4. The Trinity As A Divine Paradigm For Human Community
5. The Trinity As A Creative Model For Community Development
6. The Beatitudes As A Framework For A Personal-Political Revolution
Dave also will be promoting six books in the Dave Andrews Legacy Series Wipf and Stock
are publishing in North America, including Christi-Anarchy, Not Religion But Love, A Divine
Society, Learnings, Bearings, and People Of Compassion. (See reviews under ‘publications’
www.daveandrews.com.au and www.waitersunion.org and www.wecan.be