Bulk Ordering My Books

If you have a book group or large event and you are planning to order my books in bulk, here’s what I recommend.

First, if you have a local independent bookseller, I hope you’ll ask them for help. Often, they can give you a discount of 5 to 15% for less than 25 books, and a larger discount for 25 or more books, and if you pick the books up, you save shipping charges.

If you’re looking for an independent book store that handles bulk sales, here’s a contact in the Eastern, Central, and Western zone of the US:

RJ Julia (Connecticut) – juliearriens@rjjulia.com
Watermark (Kansas) – rebekah.rine@watermarkbooks.com
Warwick’s (California) – mallory@warwicks.com

Another great option: Porchlight specializes in discount bulk orders. Here are links for my recent and upcoming books:

Life After Doom: https://www.porchlightbooks.com/product/life-after-doom-wisdom-and-courage-for-a-world-falling-apart–brian-d-mclaren/isbn/9781250893277

Cory and the Seventh Story: https://www.porchlightbooks.com/search?q=cory+and+the+seventh+story

Do I Stay Christian: https://www.porchlightbooks.com/product/do-i-stay-christian-a-guide-for-the-doubters-the-disappointed-and-the-disillusioned–brian-d-mclaren/isbn/9781250262790

Faith After Doubt: https://www.porchlightbooks.com/product/faith-after-doubt-why-your-beliefs-stopped-working-and-what-to-do-about-it–brian-d-mclaren/isbn/9781250828378

The Great Spiritual Migration: https://www.porchlightbooks.com/product/great-spiritual-migration-how-the-worlds-largest-religion-is-seeking-a-better-way-to-be-christian–brian-d-mclaren/isbn/9781601427922

Most of my other books are available here too – just use the search box. I hope this will be of help to you in your upcoming book group or event!