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What an amazing summer I’ve had. It began with an impossible-to-describe time in Africa in May, then to England for a tremendous conference in June. Then what a July …
– First was the great privilege of speaking to the Lambeth gathering on evangelism in our changing context. Additional positive reports have been filed about my time there.
– Then I had the joy of participating in the Common Word dialogue at Yale. This important dialogue brings together Christians and Muslims to talk about how we can be peacemakers – focusing on the Great Commandment to love God and love neighbor. Another great pleasure there – having the chance to room with Mazhar Mallouhi, someone I’ve wanted to meet for quite some time because of Paul Gordon Chandler’s amazing book about him. What a delightful and interesting person!
– Then July ended with a gathering called “Ich-theology.” This is a small gathering of theologians and Christian leaders (hence “theology”) who share a love for fly fishing (the study of fish is “ichthyology”). It was a special joy to be with friends Wes Granberg-Michelson and Pat Keifert and to make new friends as well. (I’ll try to post a few fishing pictures when I get a chance.) We gathered in Yellowstone – one of the most beautiful settings on the planet … vast, varied, wild, rugged, and brilliant with the glory of the Creator.
I feel so full and grateful … And the summer’s not even over yet. Next week I’ll be at the Preaching Peace conference in Pennsylvania (join us if you can!), then speaking at Cedar Ridge and Mars Hill, and then off to Greenbelt in England (fourth transatlantic flight in four months).
I wish I could find words to express how blessed I am. Thanks be to God!