back home … update

It’s been a full, intense, and rewarding fall season. I just came home from 8 amazing days on the road – at Anderson University in Indiana, Ginghamsburg UMC in Ohio, CCDA in Miami, and Wicker Park Grace, 4th Presbyterian, and McCormick Seminary in Chicago. This great week follows visits to Alabama, Colorado, California, Ontario, Texas, New York, and Tennessee over the last six weeks.
I can’t remember experiencing better hospitality and a warmer reception than I’ve experienced this fall … I’ve been deeply impressed by the good spirit and wonderful people at each venue.
It was great to sleep in my own bed last night, and to see the glorious fall colors out my front door today. Today I’m catching my breath and feeling a lot of gratitude and hope. Thanks be to God!
And I’m looking forward to our last presentation of the Everything Must Change tour in Indianapolis this Saturday, along with a visit to St. Luke’s UMC Sunday and to the Spirit and Place Festival as well. For information, check out