Another amazing weekend … a great week ahead
Sometimes I am just overwhelmed. I can’t contain the gratitude I feel for being able to meet, dialogue, and collaborate with such tremendous people. It happened again this weekend at the Sacred Activism conference in North Carolina.
In addition to an amazing gathering of conferees, I had the privilege of working with
… Fred Burnham, priest and historian of science, who organized the event …
… Bishop Eugene Sutton, my neighbor here in Maryland, and an extraordinarily gifted preacher
… Sister Joan Chittister, someone I have admired for years, and whose presence was even more energetic and alive and brilliant than I expected
… David Korten, a brilliant economist/activist whose work was so important to my work in Everything Must Change
… Courtney Cowart, a new friend who works like a community organizer and writes and speaks like a poet
People often ask how I handle all the negative stuff that gets aimed in my general direction, and I can only say the the kindness and inspiration of the friends I meet far outweighs whatever negativity comes my way from anybody else.
This week I’ll be at North Park University in Chicago for Earth Day, then in Little Rock Arkansas over the weekend … and next week will be the poverty summit here in DC sponsored by