An Encouraging Note
Here’s a note (edited for anonymity) I received recently …
Dear Brian,
You probably hear this a lot but want to write a few lines that are on my heart. Thank you thank you thank you for putting into words what I have been feeling and thinking about for the past several years. I just completed your “New Kind of Christian” trilogy today and the Lord has been working on me throughout the whole time as I have been reading them. I really resonated with the characters because I am in full time ministry and have been for many years….
Anyway, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being used by God to enlarge the hearts of those who desire to serve and love people and to see the Love of God spread locally, nationally, and globally through ordinary people like myself.
In a few weeks, the NKOC trilogy will be released in paperback. I hope more people will experience what this reader experienced. (Thanks for writing!)