A young mother writes: a pursuit of something better

A reader writes …

I wanted to write to say Thank you for writing your book, Why did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed cross the road?. It is so validating for me as a young woman of 31 years, mother of three, and wife living in our multi-faith world. I was raised in a very strict Pentecostal Charismatic Church, and it left it’s impression upon me so heavily despite our leaving the church when I was ten years old, because my mother become a threat to the “us”.
It has been a long journey away from the church, walking away from Christ, until recently while living in [Asia] under my husband’s Marine Corps orders, that a [local] Jehovah’s Witness knocked on my door and asked if I wanted to talk about the good news. It was such a blessing to my heart. I had longed to talk about Christ with anyone, but had little faith in the church due to my past. I began studying with her and after some time I began to recognize some of the same dogmatism that I saw in my own religious past and told her I loved Jesus and the Bible, but I had no intention or interest in becoming a Jehovah’s witness, nor would I read her Watchtower Magazine. And through many tears of mine and hers, together we felt a connection that allowed us to continue studying the Bible together (what it seemed like was) “in-spite” of our differences. As I reclaimed my faith in Jesus and love for others I felt so conflicted by these religious differences, and angry at how it separated us from one another. I thought, there are huge religious organization in the world, not just Christianity, it would be so arrogant for me to say I am right, they are wrong. I felt that there had to be something better and bigger to understand it all. Something that actually reflects that kind of ideology that the Bible represents and expresses love in the same way that Jesus showed to others.
Anyway, when I saw your book and began reading it, I felt such validation in my pursuit of something better. It has been years since I have been able to trust and/or read any books about religion without feeling that awful feeling you describe in your book about becoming strong and creating more opposition towards others, or watering down what you believe to be more tolerant of others. I am not yet halfway through the book, and I know it will be a journey of heart, soul and mind. Yet, I look forward to reading your book like I am having a wonderful conversation with a thoughtful, caring, intelligent friend, and for that I Thank You! I am so glad you wrote this book. I have already encouraged my mother to read it, as we share much of this journey together.
May God continue to Bless you and may He use me to continue to express His love for all,

Thanks for these encouraging words. Little friendships “in spite of” differences are like like sutures healing the wounds in our world. It’s easy to tear and wound. It’s beautiful and good to heal.