A Table Grace for Thanksgiving

This table grace has been my companion for a few years now. If it is helpful for you, I welcome you to use it – just the first stanza, or several. The leader can say the first three lines, and everyone can join on the fourth line, We give thanks with all our heart.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


For this breath, for this heartbeat

For this meal with these companions

For the web of life of which we’re part

We give thanks with all our heart.


For sun and rain, for soil and season,

For ocean, mountain, forest, meadow,

For the web of life of which we’re part

We give thanks with all our heart.


For all to whom this food connects us

From field and farm to store and table

For the web of life of which we’re part

We give thanks with all our heart.


For bread and wine upon this table

For this deep mystical communion

For the web of life of which we’re part

We give thanks with all our heart.