A reader writes: Lonely Stage 3

A reader writes:

It was a pleasure getting the chance to meet you yesterday. I had to slip out early to make the 2.5 hour trek back [home]
I knew your lecture would be well worth the drive. The four phases of belief certainly resonated with me. I have been stuck in a lonely Stage 3 for about ten years now. It can be difficult to show grace to well-intentioned family members who have chosen to remain in Stage 1 (especially when they send me John McArthur books in the mail), but your perspective helped me to see that all stages of belief – even simplistic belief – have a purpose. I would have loved to have asked you a million questions…. I’m sure you are bombarded with questions every time you speak. You have an extraordinary gift for taking big ideas from many different disciplines and organizing them into a framework that makes them accessible to the masses.
Thank you for your willingness to travel to reach out to groups and congregations.

Thanks for this encouraging note. Responding to questions is one of the most enjoyable things I get to do, so next time I’m in town I hope you’ll ask a bunch.
For those interested in the stages this reader refers to – you’ll find more in Naked Spirituality.