A reader writes: if we don’t learn …

A reader writes …

I thought you would interested to see this interview with the gay Anglican Dean of St Albans, Jeffrey John, in the December 2012 edition of the leading evangelical UK magazine, “Christianity”. It’s a very bold thing for them to do.
Even more interesting to you may be the editorial by Ruth Dickinson, Editor. I quote:
“Running the piece convinced me of two things. One, Justin Brierley’s – the interviewer – brilliant description of Jeffrey John as a person to be conversed with, rather than an issue to be analysed, is something we so often forget about when we’re dealing with this subject. Secondly, I imagine most readers will disagree with Jeffrey – whether it’s with his ‘lifestyle choice’, his stance on gay marriage, or both. But if we don’t learn to engage constructively with the ‘other’, we will retreat further into our ghettoes, become more fearful of what we do not know, and unity will sink further out of reach. This is not what Jesus had in mind for His church.”
I think she may have been reading a certain book recently published!
Thank you for continuing to make me think!