A reader writes: I feel really good about life
I’ve just come back from a rare meal out with my wife to celebrate our eighth wedding anniversary. I feel really good about life, and that’s a good time to think about people who have made life good.
I just wanted to say a big thank you to you for writing Everything Must Change, which along with several of your other books has dramatically shaped my thinking and inspired me to stand up and do something about the way the world is. Sadly, I find that the church in general is pretty reticent to do this. I met you at an event in [the UK] where you spoke alongside Mo Ansar and I thought you were both brilliant.
Last Sunday I got the chance to start a series on Money at our church, and confront people with the realities of the economic system of the world, which as you so powerfully express in your book, constitutes a big part of the Suicide Machine of today’s world. Your influence, alongside academics FS Michaels and Andrew Crest, and master theologian Tom Wright, is strongly evident in what I’m trying to convey to our church community in England. Wishing you every blessing,
Thanks, and congratulations on your anniversary. And thanks for using your influence to help people make the connection between Christian faith and “tikkun olam” – healing the world.