A reader writes: I bumped into some critics of yours…

Kind words:

I accidently bumped into some critics of yours this week and thought it would be appropriate to send you a word of encouragement.
I greatly appreciate your wisdom, generosity, and thoughtfulness that I have experienced through your writing, speaking, and a few brief conversations/correspondences. At times, you have both challenged and affirmed my thinking in ways that not too many have. I am also deeply grateful for the courage you display thought the stands you have taken over the years, none more than with your son’s wedding.
I can’t imagine the public indignities you must face in the midst of the varying criticisms, nor can I imagine carrying the wounds and scars that you must carry. Makes me feel ‘heavy’ and tearful just thinking about it…. I hope as many kind words are coming your way as the negative ones, or at least with more volume.

Thanks for these kind words. I take them to heart. And yes, thanks to people like you, many kind words do come my way, humbling and encouraging me at the same time. I try to share a little of both on this blog so that others who speak out and feel the blowback know they are not alone. A movement is building, I believe.