A reader writes: A great book …

A reader writes …

I just finished reading “A Generous Orthodoxy” and I wanted to take a moment and congratulate you on a wonderfully inspiring work. I have been a conservative evangelical Christian for nearly half of my adult life but in recent years i have felt that something has been missing. I am frustrated over the lack of unity in Christianity today. There is practically no ecumenical cooperation between denominational churches. We have become so mired in tradition, creeds, denominationalism, doctrinal rigidity and hypocrisy that we are failing to reach today’s post-modern culture. I have no doubt that you have received a fair amount of criticism for some of the things you have written in this book but I am guessing that most of it is from hard-core conservatives or those who have not taken the time to actually read the book. It took me two weeks the first time while taking copious notes but I already know I will have to read it again to fully grasp it. Don’t be discouraged by any negative comments. A Generous Orthodoxy is a great book. Best Regards.

Thanks for these encouraging words. A Generous Orthodoxy was published over a decade ago, but my suspicion is that its message is more applicable now than ever, especially when there’s so much ungenerous religion out there! Thanks for your desire to embody a better path.