A reader writes: 5 men + your book = a wonderful experience
A reader writes:
Brian: I am one of five men (a surgeon, IT manager, PR manager, teacher, and retired retail guy) who faithfully meet at [our church] in Cincinnati, Ohio, every Wednesday night to discuss your book “We Make The Road by Walking.”
It has been a wonderful experience for us, and we are advocating the book for other studies within the church.
Our format is to read the chapters out loud. We also keep a list of fascinating tidbits you include in your chapters to spring on people — i.e. – “Yes, Herod was a Jew. Who know?”
I thought you might enjoy knowing this.
… As they say in the secular world, “we’re big fans.”
It’s so good to know the book is being used in this way. I “field tested” the book with a lot of different groups, and in all our field tests, the most effective and enjoyable way (not to mention easiest way) to use it was just as you’re doing – reading it aloud together, then using the discussion questions to dig deeper. Thanks for the encouraging note!