Message from Brian about the Everything Must Change Tour
Dear Friends,
For some time, I’ve been praying and thinking about my schedule for
2008, and together with a group of friends, I’ve decided to launch out
on a new adventure.
Rather than accepting speaking invitations in 2008, I’ve decide to work with a
creative team of friends to develop and present about ten of my own regional
gatherings early in the year. These gatherings will be called
“Everything Must Change,” reflecting the title of my next book.
The gatherings will begin on Friday evening and conclude Saturday
afternoon. They’ll give me the chance to have extended interaction
with people who read my books and others who are interested in Jesus,
his message, the church, and our world.
The events will include resources for pastors, church planters and
leaders, faith community and cohort leaders, worship leaders,
children’s and youth ministry workers, and spiritual seekers as well –
so many of whom can’t find a ‘safe place’ to ask their questions.
“Everything Must Change” will call people to a deep shift in their
thinking about faith, church life, mission, ministry, art, justice,
leadership, community, and worship. It will emphasize deep personal
inner transformation integrated with deep organizational transition as
well, in the context of the “Generous Orthodoxy” I write and speak
Joining me in planning and presenting these events is Linnea Nilsen
Capshaw. (Linnea, Denise Van Eck, and I are working together
under the name deepshift, formerly
We look forward to speaking with you about our services, events, and anything else you’re curious about. To contact DeepShift, call us at 410.381.1310 or email us at
We hope you feel our enthusiasm about what is possible through the
“Everything Must Change” tour!